Obergefell v. Hodges | Oyez
5–4 decision for Obergefell majority opinion by Anthony M. Kennedy. The Fourteenth Amendment requires both marriage licensing and recognition for same-sex couples.
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Jun 26, 2017 · A case in which the Court decided the constitutionality of an Arkansas statute that by its language precludes both names of a same-sex married couple from being listed as parents on a child's birth certificate, in light of the Court's decision in Obergefell v. Hodges.
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Dec 5, 2017 · The Court also explained that in 2012, the year that Phillips refused his services to Craig and Mullins, the law in Colorado and across the country with regard to same sex marriage was much more unsettled than it became after United States v. Windsor, 570 US 744 (2013) and Obergefell v. Hodges, 576 US ___ (2015). At the time, the State Civil ...
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Aug 8, 2009 · Sotomayor has also joined the liberal majority on recent landmark cases. She ruled in the majority which upheld the Affordable Care Act twice, and in Obergefell v. Hodges, to legalize same-sex marriage in all 50 states. Sotomayor is known on the court for her trust in the judicial process, and her cutthroat attitude toward ill-prepared attorneys.
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Kennedy is also known as a “swing vote” among the liberal and conservative camps established by the other eight justices. His swing vote proved instrumental recently, when he voted to guarantee the right to same-sex marriage in the 5-4 decision Obergefell v. Hodges. In writing the majority opinion, Kennedy wrote: “No union is more ...
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Mar 26, 2003 · Do their criminal convictions for adult consensual sexual intimacy in the home violate their vital interests in liberty and privacy protected by the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment? Should Bowers v. Hardwick, 478 U.S. 186 (1986), be overruled?
Mary L. Bonauto - Oyez
"Mary L. Bonauto." Oyez, www.oyez.org/advocates/mary_l_bonauto. Accessed 2 Feb. 2025.
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Did the Kansas Supreme Court interpret Kansas v. Hendricks in an overly restrictive manner by ruling that it requires a finding that a sexual offender, who has only an emotional or personality disorder, rather than a volitional impairment, has an inability to control dangerous behavior?
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Roe v. Wade. Media. Oral Argument - December 13, 1971; Oral Reargument - October 11, 1972; Opinions. Syllabus ; View Case ; Appellant Jane Roe . Appellee Henry Wade . Location US District Court for the Northern District of Texas. Docket no. 70-18 . Decided by Burger Court . Citation 410 US 113 (1973) Argued. Dec 13, 1971. Reargued. Oct 11, 1972.
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Aug 7, 2010 · The second was Obergefell v. Hodges , where the Supreme Court declared that same-sex marriage was a constitutional right. Her alignment with the majority in this case surprised some, because Kagan made a statement during her confirmation hearings that said she did not believe same-sex marriage was a federal and constitutional right.