Emergency Management Assistance Compact
EMAC's Members can share resources from all disciplines, protect personnel who deploy, and be reimbursed for mission-related costs. Learn more about EMAC by watching the introduction video.
What is EMAC? - Emergency Management Assistance Compact
The EMAC legislation solves the problems of liability and responsibilities of cost and allows for credentials, licenses, and certifications to be honored across state lines. Learn more about EMAC's protections from the links on the right-hand side of this page.
How EMAC Works - Emergency Management Assistance Compact
EMAC has a 25+ year history of being the nation's preeminent mutual aid system. Success of the system is the engagement of stakeholders (state emergency management, local government, volunteers and private sector) working together throughout the 5 phases of the EMAC process.
What is EMAC? - emacweb.org
The EMAC legislation solves the problems of liability and responsibilities of cost and allows for credentials, licenses, and certifications to be honored across state lines. Learn more about EMAC's protections from the links on the right-hand side of this page.
EMAC Legislation - emacweb.org
Oct 19, 1996 · The following is the EMAC legislation passed by the U.S. Congress. In order for states to request and provide assistance legally through EMAC, it is important that the Compact's language in Section 2 not be changed.
The Basis of EMAC Reimbursement - emacweb.org
Train everyone with reimbursement responsibilities on EMAC reimbursement guidelines and state reimbursement guidelines; Develop internal EMAC reimbursement guidelines to standardize the reimbursement process and clarify cost eligibility
EMAC's History - Emergency Management Assistance Compact
The critical role EMAC plays in disaster response is apparent from the response numbers. EMAC is the backbone of the nation's mutual aid system. During the events, EMAC leadership identified some key areas for improvement most notably changing the EMAC paperwork process from 3 …
EMAC's eLearning Courses - Emergency Management Assistance …
A comprehensive overview of EMAC. This course covers EMAC's history, legal framework, and the 5 Phases of the EMAC Process: Pre-Event Preparation, Activation, Request and Offer, Response (Mobilization, Deployment, and Demobilization), & Reimbursement
EMAC's Governance - Emergency Management Assistance Compact
The EMAC Committee delegates responsibility for conducting business and emergency operations responsibilities on its behalf to the NEMA Staff, the EMAC Executive Task Force, and the EMAC Operational Components.
EMAC Reimbursement - emacweb.org
Prepare for the reimbursement of EMAC missions by setting up in-state procedures for obtaining funds to pay for EMAC missions and procedures. Identify funding sources and develop procedures in advance of a disaster to recover funds spent …