New Maps - VIA Metropolitan Transit
Welcome to the new refreshed bus system map and route schedules! We’re excited to introduce a clearer, more user-friendly design that makes navigating our city’s bus routes easier than ever before. While the maps have a fresh new look, the service remains the same.
Bus Services - VIA Metropolitan Transit
Select an icon to display schedules for routes serving that stop. You can also use Google to plan your bus trip on VIA. Simply find your destination and get directions “by transit”.
VIA Routes - VIA Metropolitan Transit
View any VIA Metropolitan Transit routes by selecting from the drop-down menu below. Check the VIA Service Alerts Page for disruptions or detours of routes. Riders can get up-to-date bus information by texting the 5-digit bus stop number to 52020.
About VIA - VIA Metropolitan Transit
VIA buses operate seven days a week from 4 a.m. to 1 a.m. There are 5,984 bus stops along 75 bus lines, which are divided into five service categories: frequent, metro, express, skip, and downtown circulator. VIA provides the following services in our community. Bus service including downtown circulator service
Quick Start Guide - VIA Metropolitan Transit
We offer six bus services – each color coded to match the route numbers on your trip planner. PRIMO. Frequent pickups every 10-15 mins ; EXPRESS. Direct routes from Park & Rides to Downtown ; SKIP. Skip certain bus stops for a quicker ride ; FREQUENT. Pickup at least every 20 mins at bus stops ; METRO. Most common service every 30-60 mins
Prímo Service - VIA Metropolitan Transit - VIA Primo
Prímo service offers fewer stops and traffic signal priority for faster trips. Along Fredericksburg Rd., Primo passengers board at stations instead of standard bus stops. These larger stations feature recognizable arching shelters with free WiFi and overhead digital signs with real-time next bus information.
VIA Link - VIA Metropolitan Transit
Stops could include existing VIA stops or shelters, as well as other locations set up for VIA Link. A VIA Link vehicle will pick up customers at their chosen pickup point, which often may be an existing bus stop and take them anywhere within the zone.
Contact - VIA Metropolitan Transit
Bus Routing & Scheduling Information — (210) 362-2020 TTY: (210) 362-2019: Monday – Friday, 6:00 am – 10:00 pm Saturday, 7:00 am – 7:00 pm Sunday, 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
However, when a bus is scheduled to arrive at a major transfer point several minutes before it is scheduled to depart, both the arrival and departures times are displayed.
Some routes traveling through downtown continue as a different route (route pair) departing downtown. The downtown routes and their pairs, if applicable, are as follows: Algunas rutas viajando a través del centro continúan como rutas diferentes (rutas en pares) saliendo del centro. Las rutas y sus pares del centro, si son aplicables,