Lineup: 1. Thailand prepares for law allowing same-sex marriage 2. Indonesia plans to restrict children's social media use 3.
NHK investigates the issue of PFAS, synthetic chemical compounds the WHO says may cause cancer, which have been detected in ...
A national university in South Korea has unveiled a new wearable robot featuring cutting-edge technology that could transform life for paraplegics and others in wheelchairs.
NHK interviewed an expert in Southeast Asia about what U.S. President-elect Donald Trump's new administration could bring for diplomacy and economic measures after he takes office on Monday.
「トランプ政権は非常事態宣言を準備し、軍を活用する予定だ」 トランプ次期大統領が掲げる「不法移民の強制送還作戦」について、保守系団体の代表が去年11月、SNS上に投稿。これに対し、トランプ氏は「本当だ!!!」と書き込んだ。 1期目に続き、不法移民対策を掲げるトランプ氏は20日の就任以降、どんな手を打つのか。大きく揺れる移民大国アメリカの現場を取材した。 (ワシントン支局記者 西河篤俊) トランプ氏 ...