Since the final report of the International Commission on the Holocaust in Romania, chaired by Elie Wiesel, was accepted by ...
The Founders Society recognizes our most generous donors who have made the exceptional cumulative commitment of $1 million or more. The Museum is profoundly grateful for their support, which ensures ...
Holocaust survivor Joël Nommick was born into danger in December 1942 in the midst of World War II. Just months earlier, Joël ...
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Survivors Registry Collection [Computerized data]: Available to authorized USHMM Computer Network users in the folder designated: S:\DATA\REGLISTS\AB0011\. A 147-name register derived from this data ...
The list cataloging and name indexing of this collection have been supported by a grant from the Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany.
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Index of names from the finding aid for RG-31.020. This collection includes names from the 901 affidavits collected by the Chernivisti Jewish Survivors Organization. The organization collected the ...
Electronic data regarding Theresienstadt survivors sent to Canton St. Gallen in Switzerland in February 1945, presumably sent for recovery and medical treatment; data includes names, locations and ...
This sub-collection primarily consists of various types and various forms of lists of persons that had to be drawn up by local German authorities and administrative offices after the end of the war.
This grouping contains documents that are related to the identification and registration of Jews in the Łódź Ghetto. Includes Łódź Ghetto Worker Cards, work cards, forms, certificates and other ...