Shelter’s millions could guarantee tenants’ rent and damages, easing landlords’ burdens. So why won’t they step up and stop bashing the PRS instead?
The Labour government will force landlords to use the Making Tax Digital (MTD) scheme for income tax self-assessment or face ...
The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) could deduct money from benefit claimants’ payments if they owe money to their ...
Research shows letting agents can save UK landlords £3.4bn yearly via routine property checks, cutting repair costs and ...
One in five renters are taking out loans to help pay for their five-week cash deposit when moving into a new home, research ...
With average weekly rents climbing slightly to £557 and a 30% surge in renters moving in February, the capital’s lettings ...
UK rents jump 8.7% and buy-to-let firms surge 35% in 2024, GetGround’s Index reveals. Explore trends in house prices, sales, ...
Ah, the joys of the British legal system — a place where logic takes a back seat, and bureaucratic chaos reigns supreme. If ...
The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) is calling on landlords to join its HSE residents panel to improve safety in high-rise ...
The Flat Rate VAT Scheme (FRS) is a simplified option for paying VAT for businesses with lower turnover. At an annual ...
Landbay, UTB Mortgages, and Molo Finance cut BTL rates up to 1.76% for UK landlords, offering HMO and MUFB deals from 3.23%.
Watch a candid debate between Samuel Leeds and Adam Lawrence as they discuss the ethics, impact, and future of property training in the UK. Explore key questions about branding, education, and ...