My introduction to building a stone wall, like beginnings in so many homesteading skills, came unexpectedly, urgently, and at the wrong time. It was a rare clear morning during a rainy spring in ...
Sunchoke, also called Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus) is a perennial plant and a native North American root vegetable that is now cultivated on five continents. It is part of the ...
Understanding the anatomy of an animal will help ensure the best shot placement for deer so that it does not experience unnecessary suffering from a misplaced shot. Taking a shot at a living ...
Medium to large, 16-25 inches tall, 35-95 pounds. They have a muscular build with short coats in yellow, fawn, brindle, or black, often with a black muzzle. I’ve always wanted a livestock ...
It’s never been easier to pick up new skills to boost your independence and keep more money in your wallet while you’re at it. Let Mother Earth News show you how with hundreds of online ...
It’s never been easier to pick up new skills to boost your independence and keep more money in your wallet while you’re at it. Let Mother Earth News show you how with hundreds of online ...
2. DIY Farm Tools and Equipment Learn how to make your own DIY farm tools and equipment with Keith Arkenberg. The cost of tools and infrastructure to start a market garden… It’s never been ...
Spring Conference with Organic Growers School and Mother Earth News Learn to to cultivate food equity and diversity initiatives, self-sufficiency, health and well-being, and environmental ...
What is a microgrid, and how does it work? New portable units allow you to “island” home energy for off-the-grid security.
Some third-graders from a local elementary school came to my farm for a tour, and I saw it as an opportunity to test their knowledge. So, before they arrived, I tied some carrots to a small maple ...
Grow lights are worth it. Relying on sunlight can result in weak, leggy plants. Starting plants indoors can give you access to more interesting cultivars while saving you money. Here are seed ...