U.S. President Donald Trump's vision of a Gaza Strip cleared of its Palestinian inhabitants and redeveloped into an international beach resort under U.S. control has revived an idea floated by his son ...
As the vibrant sounds of drums and gongs filled the air, a colorful troupe of performers holding an ancient auspicious animal, wound its way through the villages of the New Territories of Hong Kong, ...
President Donald Trump's new tariff orders against Canada, Mexico and China all contain clauses suspending a duty-free exemption for low-value shipments below $800 that is widely seen as a loophole ...
When M23 rebels swept into the Congolese city of Goma this week, world powers urged them to immediately withdraw. Instead, the Rwanda-backed insurgents are intent on showing they can restore order and ...
With fighters from the M23 rebel movement appearing poised to enter the city of Goma, the U.N. Security Council met a day early on Sunday to discuss the fighting, in which three U.N. peacekeepers have ...
U.S. President Donald Trump had threatened tariffs and sanctions to punish Colombia for refusing to accept military flights carrying deportees, part of his sweeping immigration crackdown. But in a ...
The Trump administration urged U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) workers to join the effort to transform how Washington allocates aid around the world in line with Trump’s “America ...
Chinese startup DeepSeek's cheaper AI is sharpening investor scrutiny of the billions U.S. tech giants are pouring to develop the technology and analysts say it will dominate this week's much-awaited ...
法國媒體當地星期五(7日)引述巴黎檢察院消息報道, 法國前總統薩爾科齊(Nicolas Sarkozy), 當日開始戴電子鐐銬服刑. 報道提到, 去年12月, 法國最高法院裁定, 薩爾科齊腐敗及以權謀私案上訴失敗, 維持對他三年有期徒刑, 其中包括一年實刑的判決. 報道續指, 「實刑」從今年2月7日開始, 要戴電子鐐銬, 但無需入獄服刑; 居家監禁期間, 薩科齊在法律允許範圍內, 仍然有一定外出自 ...
法國總統府愛麗舍宮當地星期四(6日)晚發布新聞公報指, 法國將與阿拉伯聯合酋長國, 合作建設人工智能園區. 該個園區將位於法國境內, 園區內數據中心的耗電量將達到一吉瓦. 公報續指, 法國總統馬克龍(Emmanuel Macron), 與到訪的阿聯酋總統阿勒納哈揚(Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan), 當晚共同出席《法國和阿聯酋人工智能合作框架協議》簽署儀式.
國家主席習近平星期五(7日)在哈爾濱, 會見來華出席第九屆亞洲冬季運動會開幕式的國際奧林匹克委員會主席巴赫(Thomas Bach). 習近平表示, 近年來中國成功舉辦北京冬奧會、成都大運會、杭州亞運會, 當晚迎來哈爾濱亞冬會. 該等重大體育賽事, 體現中國與國際奧委會密切合作. 習近平又指, 中國將奧林匹克精神, 與中華優秀傳統文化相結合, 大力發展體育事業, 並將為國際體育事業, 不斷作出新的 ...
天文台發出「特別天氣提示」, 受強烈冬季季候風影響, 本港今日早上天氣寒冷, 星期日(9日)市區氣溫在9至10度水平, 有機會是入冬以來最低紀錄. 週末期間, 新界多處地區早上嚴寒, 高地氣溫或接近冰點, 漸轉天晴及非常乾燥. 天文台又表示, 由於風寒效應較顯著, 身體感覺的溫度, 會較實際氣溫低, 市民特別是進行戶外活動的人士, 請留意天氣變化, 注意保暖, 並關顧長者及慢性病患者.