The Estonian Tere dairy industry board chairman Oliver Kruuda said that dye to more expensive raw material but also higher export, prices of dairy products will increase by around 40% in Estonia in ...
The Constitutional Committee of the Estonian parliament, the Riigikogu, supported the amendment which extends the period of validity of Estonian passports from five years to ten years, and is also ...
Lithuanian Bishop Eugenijus Bartulis of Siauliai, Lithuania, resigned from the office of military ordinary, Global Catholic Network EWTN reports. Msgr. Gintaras Grusas has been appointed of the clergy ...
After a longer break UAB Toksika launched its hazardous waste incineration facility in Jurgeliskes village, Siauliai district. Environmentalists are monitoring the amount of emitted pollutants online ...
Союз "зеленых" и крестьян (СЗК) не поддерживает финансирование партий из государственной казны, заявил в интервью газете Latvijas avize ...
Sales of Lofbergs Baltic (formerly, Melna Kafija) coffee producer in the past financial year from July 1, 2016, until June 30, 2017, generated EUR 14.197 million, up 3% from a year ago, while the ...
The Latvian coffee producer Melna kafija has been taken over by the Swedish firm Lofbergs Lila, according to the Dienas Bizness newspaper. Until now, Latvia's largest coffee producer has belonged to ...
This is it, my friends! It happened! We finally found someone willing to take over and continue our business. In the year of our 25th anniversary, in June – precisely the month the first ever issue of ...