手機、電腦每天都在用,到底要不要每天都關機?擔心沒關機會讓電腦壞掉,也怕會過度耗電,成為吃電怪獸。知名的硬碟公司WD,曾經在臉書上分享4點評估的準則,可透過自身條件來決定電腦該不該關機。至於iPhone要不要天天開關機?科技YouTuber ...
A rumor from long ago may finally come true, with liquid metal hinges and bearings predicted to be used in the iPhone Fold.
Apple plans to use liquid metal in the hinges of its upcoming foldable iPhone to improve durability and reduce screen ...
苗栗市至公路一處民宅發生火警;屋內一對父子,逃到隔壁屋頂求救;消防隊趕到、及時將父子救出。(圖/翻攝畫面 ...
應該不難發現想更換 iPhone 電池也可以到 Apple 原廠零件獨立維修中心(IRP)更換,其中保衛站算是全台灣在地較知名度且有相當豐富經驗的 iPhone 維修業者,全台已經有連鎖 20 幾間分店 ...
Think you know iOS inside out? Trust us, there's way more to uncover. Unlock your iPhone's full potential with these hidden tweaks. I've been writing about computers, the internet, and technology ...
蘋果預計會在 9 月推出 iPhone 17 系列,而最新曝光的零件照片揭露了 iPhone 17 Pro 的相機模組設計,如果這份曝光照片屬實,那麼 iPhone 17 Pro 的背面將會加入一組長條狀的相機模組。 iPhone 17 Pro ...
Apple's upcoming iPhone 17 Pro models are expected to feature a significant design overhaul, and a new image apparently taken ...
To balance price and specs, go for the iPhone 13. It’s on sale for under £500 Sim-free for the first time but still has a high-resolution 6.1-inch screen and versatile cameras. Apple iPhones are ...
維修前請將所有資料備份保存,以免寶貴資料遺失。 手機王維修店家上 Apple 零件皆【非原廠】報價,嚴禁店家私下販售或標榜使用原廠零件。 為維護消費權益,若店家標榜使用原廠零件 ...
New members at Visible Wireless can use the code SWEETDEAL to score themselves a free iPhone 13 when they buy a yearly Visible Plus plan. At $395 for a whole year, the Visible Plus plan was ...