La mostra "Il Tempo del Futurismo" alla Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Moderna presenta due nuove opere di Severini e Dottori, ...
Dopo il recente arrivo in mostra dello studio de La città che sale (1910) di Umberto Boccioni, Ritmi di oggetti (1911) di ...
Due opere di Gino Severini e Gerardo Dottori portano nuova energia alla mostra Il Tempo del Futurismo alla GNAMC ...
Le linee di indirizzo della Regione Lombardia per la sicurezza nei cantieri delle grandi opere si soffermano sui vari soggetti importanti per la prevenzione. Focus sulla figura dei coordinatori in fas ...
ALPIGNANO - Nel gennaio del 1985, in un piccolo garage su corso Francia a Collegno, prendeva vita Ideal Tende. Quello che ...
Moderna was dealt a significant blow in the patent battle over who owns the Covid-19 vaccine last week. In the U.S., the Cambridge drug and vaccine maker hit a roadblock when the Patent Trial and ...
Pfizer and BioNTech have convinced a U.S. Patent Office tribunal that two patents Moderna accused Pfizer-BioNtech of infringing were invalid. The companies have secured a victory in a round in their ...
Moderna has been hit by massive insider selling over the last couple of years. The stock has a 52-week high of over $170 while Moderna entered 2020 trading below $20, making insiders more likely ...
“The companies told the PTAB in the petitions that Moderna’s patents include ‘unimaginably broad claims directed to a basic idea.’” Patent Trial and Appeal Board (PTAB) docket entries ...
As part of a global web of patent litigation over COVID-19 vaccines and mRNA technology, Pfizer and its partner BioNTech traded blows this week with rival Moderna as dueling decisions came down in ...
A German court has ruled that Pfizer and BioNTech violated Moderna's COVID-19 vaccine patent. The court in Duesseldorf stated that Pfizer and BioNTech must provide earning details and compensate ...