Researchers have continuously conducted examinations of King Tut’s tomb, mummy, and mask, but a new study caught one overlooked detail — holes in the mask’s ears. Earring holes would have ...
A century after the discovery of King Tutankhamun’s tomb, some overlooked objects may reveal clues to a forgotten ancient ...
No archaeologist dares to open a 2,300-year-old Egyptian mummy, fearing the loss of a one-of-a-kind burial method.
The mask was "fitted" to Tutankhamun, as the gold in the applied ... is further supported by the lack of discovery of her ...
"Tutankhamun: His Tomb and His Treasures" exhibition coincides with the 130th anniversary of Biltmore Estate’s opening in ...
By carrying out CT scans of King Tutankhamun's mummy, we were able in 2005 to show ... Icon of ancient Egypt, the teenage pharaoh’s funerary mask immortalizes his features in gold, glass ...
King Tutankhamun’s iconic death mask may not have been crafted for him at all. Researchers from the University of York suggest it was initially intended for a high-status female or child ...
King Tutankhamun has captivated the world ... a solid gold death mask and coffin holding his mummy. Image caption, The discovery made headlines around the world. The Times published the first ...
Tutankhamun is probably the most studied mummy in the world, with the possible exception of Otzi the Iceman. The most recent studies of Tutankhamun using sophisticated CT scans have shown that his ...
gold mask that was placed over King Tut’s bound mummy. "Tutankhamun: His Tomb and His Treasures" collection also includes true-to-size statues, chambers, tombs, coffins, furniture, weapons ...