Where there are people, there are mice. This pretty well summarizes the millennia-old relationship between man and mouse. Few species have benefited from humans as much as the house mouse, Mus ...
She experimented with various conditions to identify how the organisms could best be grown in the lab for further study. Inspired by previous research that showed Aquificales could grow using ...
AMONG the various organisms which have been isolated at this Station from fermenting straw composts, one, M.R.A. No. 112, is of special interest. It is a thermophile Ascomycete producing ...
A huge sinkhole that forced residents in Surrey out of their homes could take as long as a year to fix, the council has warned. Residents from 30 properties were evacuated after a sinkhole appeared on ...
With its speedy growth and adaptability, E. coli has spent many years at the top of the "model organism" list, with no signs of slipping. But E. coli is a blip in a rich microbial world ...
Traces of organisms detected in sediments from 7.5 kilometers below the ocean surface reveal how organisms living in the deep sea are engineering their own environments. Analyses of sediment cores ...
They appear to be everywhere, in a huge range of organisms and microorganisms. We have no idea what most of them are doing, including whether they are benign or dangerous. But these simplest ...
Most studies to date are focused on host-associated microbiomes of individual organisms, however, few studies take an integrative approach to examine aquatic vertebrate microbiomes by considering both ...
To better understand protein electron carrier (PEC) use across the domains of life, we evaluated the distribution of genes encoding [4Fe-4S] Fd, [2Fe-2S] Fd, and Fld electron carriers in over 7,000 ...