UNLV history professor Elizabeth Nelson separates facts about the effects of marketing, consumerism, and social media on the holiday's evolution from fiction about love's golden age. Please note that ...
One woman, Lucy, says she lost "a decade of her to life" to compulsive gambling and risky sex after being prescribed a partial dopamine agonist Patients prescribed drugs for movement disorders ...
If you've been concerned that maybe you should increase your protein quota, you'd be relieved to know that you may be eating enough as is. According to experts, you're probably already getting all ...
Manchester United have ‘opened talks’ to sign a £40m-rated striker, though one observer has brutally explained why completing the deal would be a mistake. Man Utd aim to sign a new striker in ...
Immortal Pillars is a great addition to Age of Mythology: Retold, finally giving the Chinese pantheon its due. New units and God Powers radically shake things up on the battlefield, and while the ...
People interpret a dog’s emotions based on its situation and have “a big blind spot” for the actual animal, a new study found. “When it comes to just perceiving dog emotions, we think we ...
Friday the 13th lived up to its notorious rep for a Long Island teen — who suffered a stroke that day in December, leading her to need brain and open-heart surgeries. “I was on a call with my ...
That Good Boy works to the extent that is does is a testament to the expert canine-handling skills of Leonberg and his wife, the film’s producer Kari Fischer, who find ingenious ways to get such ...
We're told that in the latest instalment, the threats against the Light (the force of good in the world) are multiplying. Expect good vs evil, magic, destiny and adventure. In short, everything ...
(The meme-faced water thieves will still appear following this latest update, we're told. Although the consequences for not dealing with them won't be so high anymore.) The water system, for all the ...
WASHINGTON — President Trump told a pair of astronauts stranded aboard the International Space Station for nearly a year that “we’re coming up to get you,” as Elon Musk is apparently ...