April Fools' origins may go back all the way to ancient civilization, but the exact start of the prank-filled holiday remains ...
Pokémon Go ’s April Fools’ Day for 2025 is focusing on… Poké Balls? Your screen will be littered with these things, but ...
In the case of Delta Force, players will be playing “is it real or not” with the shooter game’s social media as the character ...
While it is widely believed that April Fools' Day may have roots back in ancient Rome or Britain, clear references to the ...
For every well-executed corporate hoax, there's an overeager company whose ill-conceived pranks have blown up in their faces, sometimes badly.
May all your April Fool’s pranks be jolly, or may you be smitten by a pig’s bladder. From Cincinnati Post, April, 1 1904. A ...
There's nothing like a carefully crafted PR stunt/pranks to craft superb brand awareness. Look what Blair Witch Project pulled off @Sundance ...
Three iconic characters from Mortal Kombat 3 are now available in the Fortnite shop, but only for a limited time.
More games are confirmed to be leaving PS plus in April 2025, and this time it's one of the best RPGs of all time.
It's also worth remembering that the PS Plus games for March are still available to download for free, but only until 31 ...
As of 1st April (not fooling), PlayStation Plus members across all subscription tiers will be able to get their hands on the ...
PS Plus subscribers have only a few days remaining to get free PSN store credit by playing Sony's monthly games.