RIT Kosovo is committed to a policy of non-discrimination and equal opportunity in all of its endeavors and affirms a commitment to diversity in both its employees and its student body. RIT Kosovo ...
Facing a general election on February 9, Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti made the claim this month that his young country has taken “enormous steps out of poverty”. Gross Domestic Product ...
Pobudniki akcije na družbenem omrežju Slovence pozivajo, naj slovenske trgovine bojkotirajo od 27.1 pa vse do 9.2. 2025. Namen pobude je pritisniti na trgovce, da spremenijo svoje poslovne prakse, kot ...
Člani sveta Radiotelevizije Slovenija so enoglasno, s 16 glasovi za, sprejeli programsko-poslovni načrt za leto 2025, ki vsebuje programsko-produkcijski in finančni načrt. Radio Slovenija bo dobil nov ...
This issue is preventing our website from loading properly. Please review the following troubleshooting tips or contact us at [email protected]. By submitting your ...
A new caddisfly species, Tinodes lumbardhi, was discovered in Kosovo's Bjeshkët e Nemuna National Park, highlighting the area's rich biodiversity and urgent conservation needs.
At the World Economic Forum, two Albanian businessmen, Esat Lika and Elton Axha, give a taste of Kosovo at the luxury Swiss resort. Late on the night of January 19, in front of the snow-capped ...
Dodal je, da bo s tem izpolnjen eden od pogojev za ukinitev nadzora na notranjih schengenskih mejah, poroča novinarka Radia Slovenija Karin Zorn Čebokli. Geslo EPK-ja je Borderless - brezmejno. A ...