Shantilalbhai Shah, Founding Editor of Gujarat Samachar, passed away on February 27 following a heart attack. Shah had not been keeping well for the past 15 days before succumbing to the stroke.
In the B.Arch, Patne Neel Sandesh from Maharashtra secured the top position with a perfect 100. For the BPlan Paper, Sunidhi Singh from Madhya Pradesh achieved the highest score of 100.
The NTA has released the results of the JEE Main Session 1 January for Paper 1. 14 students obtained 100 score in Paper 1.14 students obtain 100 NTA score.
SANDESH LTD.has informed BSE that the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company is scheduled on 13/08/2024 ,inter alia, to consider and approve take on record the Standalone and Consolidated ...
Three people have died from dengue in the district since the beginning of this fiscal year, according to the District Health Office. With plastic and metal pots becoming a preferred choice of ...