The NYT Mini Crossword has been impressing puzzle enthusiasts with its quick and engaging format for a long time now.
It might not seem like there's enough information to solve these logic puzzles at first—but that's part of the fun!
The Gazette has announced plans to move to a new print publication schedule, under which the newspaper will produce a print ...
Most cameras allow you to instantly transfer images from a camera to a smartphone via Bluetooth, and you can print photos directly from your phone.
Real censorship Never mind so-called liberal wokeness, the real censors are software engines used by leading advertisers.
Many readers like to print out the puzzles from our online newspaper and tackle them with pen or pencil. But immensely ...
Kareem Ayas rolls up with a sparkling Sunday puzzle.
The New York Times looks for intelligent, literate, entertaining and well-crafted crosswords that appeal ... published anywhere before, either in print or electronically. The Times buys all ...
Crossword puzzles have engaged minds for decades, providing an entertaining mix of mental stimulation and vocabulary ...
I just thought, "Oh, there must be an EAGLE Shore somewhere... Appropriately, I only realized my mistake when I read the clue ...
To play at home, print off the PDFs below or pick up the Saturday, Dec. 28 Globe and Mail. Solutions for the crossword will appear in print in our Pursuits section on Jan. 4.
“The advocates of inclusiveness say crosswords are already divisive because they reflect a patriarchal, white supremacist, heteronormative view, but I think those points are just as contentious ...