In Hebrews 9:27-28, the Bible tells us that we only go around once in this life, “And just as it is destined for people to ...
The story of Philip and the Ethiopian eunuch in Acts 8 may seem like an old story, but if we take a fresh look at it, we can ...
We heard His truth, became convicted, we saw our need for a Savior, and by faith we repented of our sin, and cried out for ...
We want to send you a new book and video teaching series on God’s promise-keeping faithfulness. Request these two resources with your donation to Ligonier Ministries.
Faced with United States President Donald Trump’s mass deportation plan, Pope Francis has published a letter chastising the ...
The Gospel, according to Luke, records that on the night of Jesus’ birth an angel of the Lord appeared to shepherds keeping watch over their flocks in a field outside the Judean village of ...
If you have ever struggled to wrap your mind around the biblical doctrine of election predestination , you are not alone ...
Also, there are influential voices on social media who claim that calling on the name of Jesus is blasphemy, Christmas is idolatry, and celebrating Easter is unholy. They claim that Jesus is the name ...
We have just come through a holiday season. Let’s not forget the true meaning of Christ’s Nativity. It is not about Santa, or candy canes, reindeer, or Christmas lights, or even for ...
The word "valid" primarily refers to a property of argumentation. Of course, "path" usually refers to ways of getting from ...
What does it mean to "work out your salvation with fear and trembling"? Philippians 2:12-13 calls believers to live out their ...