How many trains are there from Phulwari Sharif to Patna? There are 20 direct trains that run between Phulwari Sharif and Patna. The train schedules consist of 20 daily trains. These include MEMU, Mail ...
39 trains pass through Phulwari Sharif station. It is not a major station and only a few long distance trains stop here. 4 Passenger trains, 25 MEMU trains, 4 Super Fast trains & 4 Mail Express trains ...
Expect sunny skies. The high will be 35°. Moderate air quality (101-150) Primary pollutant PM2.5 127 μg/m³ Pressure is the weight of the air in the atmosphere. It is normalized to the standard ...
Priya Rani hails from the small village of Kurkuri in Phulwari Sharif, Bihar. Growing up, she encountered resistance to her education, but her grandfather was a constant pillar of support ...