That's because after you get the perceptual map in two dimensions, you will likely look at the map and come up what you believe are those two dimensions based on seeing how the various brands are ...
A technique called sonification allows new discoveries, brings out subtleties in dense data, and makes astronomy more accessible.
Ironically, as these models became more sophisticated, the information processing pathways within also became increasingly opaque, with some models today having trillions of tunable parameters.
This work presents potentially important findings suggesting that a combination of transcranial stimulation approaches applied for a short period could improve memory performance after administration.
During receptive field mapping, a decrease of neuronal activity ... Performance on probe trials was determined by a binomial test (two-tailed) based on 80 observations for each probe figure ...
In this paper, we generalize previous descriptions of the HGF and its account of perceptual uncertainty ... inversion and comparison based on two different but closely related decision models. We do ...
Using quantitative multi-parameter ... MPM maps with 1.6 mm isotropic resolution: proton density (PD), magnetization transfer saturation (MT), longitudinal relaxation rate (R1), and transverse ...
A research team led by Rumi Chunara—an NYU associate professor with appointments in both the Tandon School of Engineering and ...
How the brain feels about the world around it is the subject of a new paper published in Proceedings of the National Academy ...
Researchers at the University of Virginia have created the first comprehensive protein-level atlas of brain development, ...