Researchers have announced results from a new search at the European X-ray Free Electron Laser (European XFEL) Facility at ...
Physicists measure the mass of subatomic particles in units called electron volts, or eV. According to theory, the W boson ...
Cosmic rays coming from outside the Solar System bring these particles closer to the Sun, where they experience changes ...
PeV — has been detected by the underwater KM3NeT telescope, marking a pivotal moment in astrophysics. This tiny but powerful ...
Called the Lévy walk (or in some cases the Lévy flight) after mathematician Paul Lévy, it is a type of random wandering that ...
Particle detectors play a crucial role in our understanding of the fundamental building blocks of the universe. They allow ...
The interview explores long-term strategies for particle physics research and the challenges of managing large international scientific organizations. Thomson also looks back on his career in particle ...
Scattering takes place across the universe at large and miniscule scales. Billiard balls clank off each other in bars, the ...
Called the Lévy walk (or in some cases the Lévy flight) after mathematician Paul Lévy, it is a type of random wandering that ...
It may be the smallest, shortest chorus dance ever recorded.  As reported in Science Advances, an international team of ...
Quasiparticles are collections of particles (and, in some cases, field lines) that can be described mathematically as if they ...