The Nashville Planning Department released initial findings and preliminary policy recommendations on housing and ...
A proposed rezoning of 1 acre north of West Concord Drive from R-2 single family residential to R-4 multiple family ...
The Maui County Department of Planning will host an open house for the Central Maui Community Plan process from 6-9 p.m. April 4 at the Wailuku parking garage during the Wailuku First Friday ...
Opus Group’s new 112,000-square-foot office building in Edina gets approval from the Planning Commission, set to serve as ...
The call centers that America’s military veterans rely on to schedule appointments and arrange medical care may no longer ...
Sama Bajgani and Doroudi's plans to marry were disrupted when he was taken from their apartment at 5 a.m. Wednesday.
Troy Planning Commission recommends approval of 29-acre rezoning for Komyo-Honda project west of I-75. New 486,000-square-foot facility would provide support for neighboring Honda operations center.
Members of the city’s planning board on Tuesday will hold a public hearing regarding changes to the zoning ordinance relative to short-term lodging and residential accessory uses.