Welcome to Indie App Spotlight. This is a weekly 9to5Mac series where we showcase the latest apps in the indie app world. If you’re a developer and would like your app featured, get in contact.
This guide will help you keep in mind what to look out for when you’re making your first indie film. An indie film is any movie made without a major film studio or big production company attached.
Na miejscu były prowadzone czynności pod nadzorem prokuratura. Tożsamość osoby zmarłej „pozostaje nieznana”. Dotychczas nie ujawniono żadnych dodatkowych informacji.
and a previous run with SI spanning multiple years as a writer and editor. Outside of sports, you can find Dan at an indie concert venue or movie theater.
Możliwość wypowiedzenia Konwencji Dublińskiej o zakazie użycia amunicji kasetowej, do której Polska nie przystąpiła i nie ratyfikowała, to jednak nowa i - dotąd nieznana - odsłona ...
This is part of the Indie Author Spring Spectacular, which runs through March 10. If you've never heard of Stuff Your Kindle Day before, it's worth keeping tabs on the schedule. Stuff Your Kindle ...
Samuel Goldwyn Films has revealed an official trailer for It Feeds, an indie horror thriller from filmmaker Chad Archibald. This hasn't shown up at any festivals and will be out in April to watch ...
If you want a great gaming experience but don't want to spend three figures on a new AAA title, you can always rely on indie games. For a fraction of the price, indie games tend to provide a more ...
“We’re fortunate that we have an extremely talented team and that we’ve already signed some incredible indie titles, which we’ll be revealing soon.” In order to “resurrect and ...
As he took the stage to claim the Best Picture award for ‘Anora,’ he championed the rise of indie films, a message that felt perfectly timed on a night when indie cinema reigned supreme.