Jakob Nowell, son of late Sublime frontman Bradley Nowell, explains how he's working with Eric Wilson and Bud Gaugh to honor his dad's legacy.
Opening the album with a summertime twang, “I Come With Mud” is a Romantic-era poem — complete with lines on love and nature ...
Introducing the genre of dark comedy or black comedy to Sri Lankan cinema, ‘Nelum Kuluna’ or ‘Tentigo’ as the English title goes, the maiden feature film direction by Ilango Ram will be released in ...
Ilango himself directed the first official remake of Nelum Kuluna in India, titled Perusu (in tamil) and Pedha (in Telugu) and Hiranya Perera holds producer credits in the film. The North Indian ...
Look at one and then the other. Can you tell which brain is female and which is male? You can't. Humanity has been hunting for sex-based differences in the brain since at least the time of the ...