Gather ’round ye scallywags, I’ve got a treasure for thee. Is it gold doubloons? Nay. Jewels? Nary. A cove of a sexually ...
One of Britain’s lesser-known islands, just 10 miles from Devon, has a dark and unknown history filled with links to piracy, ...
The next vessel to take the title of world’s largest cruise ship is headed to Port Canaveral. Disney is sending a new ship to ...
To reach the open ocean, sailors on Roanoke Island in the Outer Banks first have to pass through hell on water.
Passengers on a world cruise were told only essential lighting would be used and to keep their curtains drawn while passing ...
Like a Dragon Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii delivers a unique blend of Yakuza-style combat, stunning visuals, and immersive storytelling set against a vibrant Hawaiian backdrop.
Passengers aboard the “Queen Anne” ship were issued an alarming warning while passing through a pirate hot spot.
The announcement came over the vessel's PA system while traveling through the Philippines, a passenger on board said.
The fireships were a weapon of necessity used by the skilled sailors in Greece to a devastating, asymmetric effect during the ...
A passenger captured the moment a cruise ship captain issued warning about passing through potentially unsafe waters. Cunard's Queen Anne cruise ship passengers came to realize that, while a cruise ...
Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii” falls well below the standards of the series and only serves as a grindy distraction for only the ...