Humanitarian aid has not entered Gaza for nearly a month due to Israel's blockade. Residents of Gaza tell Middle East Eye ...
Women and girls of Gaza talk about their determination to be educated amidst the rubble-strewn classrooms of a decimated education system.
A special investigation by Chief International Correspondent Bel Trew reveals allegations of brutal treatment of Palestinians in Israeli facilities including rape, torture, medical neglect and death.
Both Vladimir Putin and Recep Tayyip Erdogan weighed cooperation against a backdrop of historical rivalry that dates back ...
After the Second World War, two European countries acquired nuclear weapons – the UK and France. Both countries were part of NATO, whose guiding principle is ...
The Israeli army on Saturday admitted its troops had opened fire on “suspicious vehicles” in the Gaza Strip that turned out ...
Israeli military on Saturday admitted to shooting at ambulances in Gaza Strip citing them as "suspicious vehicles.
The northern bald ibis (Geronticus eremita) is an extravagant waterbird adapted to forage in dry, open habitats, and is ...
Attacks reaffirm ‘to the world that it (Israel) deliberately pursues a systematic starvation policy as a tool of war and ...
Israel has launched an attack on the Lebanese capital Beirut for the first time since a ceasefire ended fighting between ...
Israel has launched an attack on the Lebanese capital Beirut for the first time since a ceasefire ended the latest ...
Israel said it will strike anywhere in Lebanon it sees a threat after rocket fire prompted it to bomb Beirut for the first ...