What is most significant is that the particular tradition of ‘Mothering Sunday’ – as found in the UK, Ireland and some ...
Century England, a dark-skinned saint with a promiscuous past became a boundary-breaking cultural and religious icon. A new ...
The massive foundations of the church were made of chipped limestone ... Eaves-drip burials were also a Christian practice during Medieval times that was believed to save children’s souls.
The fresco provides crucial evidence of a medieval church using Islamic tents in key Christian practices, including mass, the study suggests. "Islamic textiles were associated with the Holy Land ...
Parts of the church were likely used elsewhere ... Eaves-drip burials were a Christian practice during Medieval times that were believed to have saved children’s souls if they died before ...
This is one of the few pictures of the inside of a medieval hospital There were about ... Almost all of them were run by the Church. Many were monastery infirmaries, eg Tintern, Valle Crucis ...