The DEC says seals can rest for hours in the same spot, as long as they're healthy and showing no signs of injury.
A harp seal dubbed Polaris was rescued by Whale and Dolphin Conservation last month at Nantasket Beach in Hull.
On Monday afternoon, wildlife conservation photographer James Ford snapped a few photographs of a juvenile grey seal on the ...
Panagis is one of dozens of Mediterranean monk seals, or Monachus monachus, that have been nursed back to health by Greece’s MOm, a charity dedicated to the care and protection of the rare marine ...
Soon, he’ll be well enough to go home. Renos-Pantelis, a five-month old mediterranean monk seal, dives into the water after its release at a beach on the tiny Aegean Sea island of Gyaros, Greece, ...
March is Easter Seals Month across Newfoundland and Labrador. The month, which recognizes and promotes the work of Easter Seals, kicked off at Government House in St. John’s on Thursday. At the event, ...
Mystic Aquarium says The male seal, estimated to be only a few weeks old, is believed to have wandered a nearby beach to a “potentially dangerous situation” on the streets of New Haven ...