Hoidettavan osallistuminen ryhmätoimintaan vähentää omaishoitajien masennusta, stressiä ja huolestuneisuutta, kirjoittavat ...
Suomalaiset eivät oikein pärjää EU:n virkamieshaussa. Nyt meille suunnitellaan omia kokeita. BRYSSEL Belgiassa kannattaa ...
PELLA — Central College launched Forever Dutch Milk Chocolate and Forever Dutch Dark Chocolate bars in time for Valentine's Day. Central partnered with Van Veen Chocolates, a Pella-based chocolatier, ...
Hence, researchers often simulate the brain as a network of coupled neural masses, each described by a mean-field model. These models capture the essential features of neuronal populations while ...
When you get a van insurance quote you need to choose a class of use. You should select the class of use according to how you use your van. Here's what you need to know about the meaning of classes of ...
Professori: säästöt näkyvät nyt Hoivapaikkaongelman ydin on se, että ympärivuorokautista hoivaa on tarjolla vähemmän kuin sitä tarvitaan, sanoo gerontologian professori Marja Jylhä ...
Get ready to see more electric delivery vans in your neighborhood and on the road. EV Rivian will begin selling its big-box commercial vans to customers other than Amazon in February. Customers ...
Honig: Trump is using same theory with federal workers that he used to 'stiff' real estate contractors ...
Now that my ward councillor, Susan Stevenson, has been sanctioned for “harassment and bullying,” her pay has docked for an entire month. In doing her duties, will she now have to walk on ...
Parking outside of Amsterdam is part of the city’s vision to “intercept car visitors earlier in their journey to the city”, according to a spokesperson for the traffic alderman Melanie van der Horst.
Van Aert had to work his way through the field on a fast course, reaching the front group halfway through the eight-lap race. The 30-year-old then had to close a gap to Lars Van der Haar and Eli ...
Seksuaaliterapeutti Marja Kihlström kävi läpi aiempia erojaan podcastin tekemisen myötä. Seksuaaliterapeutti ja Naked Attraction-ohjelmast tuttu Marja Kihlström paljasti tehneensä viime vuonna Ylelle ...