Puberty, hormones and emotions, new schools, evolving friendships: Growing up is hard for everyone, but it can be especially hard for queer kids and teens whose understanding of their gender and ...
With the call for diverse media representation growing louder than ever, movies that feature LGBTQ+ stories and characters are finally getting some time in the spotlight. We've put together the best ...
The ACLU works in courts, legislatures, and communities to defend and preserve the individual rights and liberties that the Constitution and the laws of the United States guarantee everyone in this ...
O diretor da maior marcha do Orgulho do Canadá afirmou que os principais patrocinadores que têm negócios nos EUA retiraram seu apoio para evitarem ser vistos pelo governo de Donald Trump como ...
Últimas notícias sobre os acontecimentos do mundo. Informações sobre política, economia, cultura, cotidiano, conflitos, em ...
The rest of this chapter describes how people from different religious groups answer the survey’s questions about LGBTQ issues and abortion. (In addition to religion, views on these topics also are ...