Malabar Fish Biryani: This classic Malabar Fish Biryani can be devoured at all times. Enjoy the delicious taste of this ever-charming dish. Pair it with delicious raita and mint chutney and savour!.
It’s the end of the month and payday is finally here (or close enough), so why not kick back, stick the telly on and order a ...
That is what Ramadan is all about — sharing and community.” For iftar, Masroora usually prepares Kozhikodan biryani — Malabar biryani made with fragrant rice, tender meat, and aromatic ...
About Fish Biryani Recipe: Fish cooked in yogurt and spices and then layered with steamed rice. A delicious option to cook when you want something easy and quick! Mix in the fish and cook over high ...