The Apple MacBook Air 13 (M4) and the Microsoft Surface Pro 11 are the best machines in their categories. But which one is ...
If you want a smaller and more affordable laptop and don’t mind having a smaller display, the 13-inch MacBook Air is the best ...
苹果AppleiPadmini72024款平板电脑(A17Pro、128GB、5G版、紫色)正在京东促销。其原价为3999元,部分地区参与国补立减500元优惠活动,下单1件,实付低至3499元。iPadmini7有诸多亮点。它新增蓝色和紫色两种配色, ...
Driven by the M4 chip, Apple's MacBook lineup has captured 86% of the company's PC market share in 2024, showcasing the success of its shift to proprietary silicon.
最近好多人问,花万元买苹果 14 英寸 MacBook Pro,到底值不值,会不会掉进性能陷阱?咱今儿就唠唠。​ 这电脑搭载 Apple M4 芯片,10 核中央处理器加上 10 核图形处理器,性能那叫一个强。平常做个复杂的视频剪辑,像同时处理好几条 ...
The MacBook Air M4 is here, and it's cheaper than ever despite being nearly as powerful as a modern MacBook Pro M4. So which ...
For computing in harsh environments, mere mortal laptops can't compete with Dell's potent, semi-rugged Pro Rugged 14 on ...
联想小新Pro142024款八代锐龙版轻薄本,配备14英寸高清屏幕,性能强劲且便携性极佳,是办公、学习和娱乐的得力助手。目前这款笔记本在天猫精选活动售价为5699元,享受国家补贴8.5折起,再叠加百亿补贴300元,最终到手 ...
宝子们!作为你们的“数码”九叔,今天带你们解锁MacBook Pro选购の终极奥义,保证看完不再纠结!💰价格段位大揭秘1️⃣ 14寸入门款:轻奢版搬 ...
Apple’s M4 MacBook Air offers portability and power. Learn whether the 13-inch or 15-inch model is the right choice for your ...
同样是 16GB 内存,M4 MacBook Air 上打开已经让 M3 版发热卡顿的 35 个网页,前者的机身温度虽然也有所上升,但远不如后者烫手,响应速度也没有变慢,能快速在这些网页中切换。
We’re getting antsy for a more significant redesign, but the MacBook Air 15-inch remains Apple's best value in a big-screen ...