We maintain our Buy rating on JK Lakshmi (JKLC) with an unchanged target price of ₹872/share (9x FY27E consolidated EBITDA), post our interaction with the management. After a flattish FY25 ...
The Brewers Association of India (BAI), a body representing some of the country’s largest beer makers like AB InBev, Carlsberg, and the United Breweries (a Heineken company) has written to the ...
The first of four state-of-the-art subway trains went into service Tuesday on the G train, a substantial upgrade for the cross-borough line connecting Brooklyn and Queens. The train — which was ...
The project spans four provinces: Lao Cai, Yen Bai, Phu Tho, and Vinh Phuc, with the total investment nearly $290 million. The ground-breakking ceremony of the 500kV power line section through Yen Bai ...
Kaishetty Laxmi Bai, 70, a Langer Houz resident, was travelling along with her son. She was to stay in the US for five months. Her relatives, speaking with Deccan Chronicle, said, “After getting ...