On March 22, 2014, 43 people lost their lives in Oso, Washington. The landslide nearly wiped out a small town north of ...
Today on AirTalk, as recent storms accelerate the Palos Verdes landslide, the city looks for solutions. Lower back pain: the ...
Rancho Palos Verdes officials may impose a toll on Palos Verdes Drive South to help cover the cost of damage caused by an ongoing landslide.
Rancho Palos Verdes officials may impose a toll on Palos Verdes Drive South to help cover the cost of damage caused by an ...
Officials said this week that the continuing acceleration of the landslide renews concerns over what could happen when ...
One lane of U.S. Highway 95 has reopened near Council for locals during daylight hours. The road remains closed to commercial ...
Base on this, a lightweight attention-guided YOLO model (LA-YOLO) was proposed to improve the detection performance of YOLO model for rainfall-induced shallow landslides. Firstly, CG Block is ...
“Heavy rains unleashed a landslide in southwest Colombia ... which was suspended in a popular tourist area near La Cocha lagoon.
It noted that the landslide affected more than 200 people overall and damaged 65 homes. Heavy machinery worked to reopen the affected roads and restore water service, which was suspended in a popular ...
Copyright 2025 The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. Share BOGOTA, Colombia (AP) — Heavy rains unleashed a landslide in southwest Colombia, killing at least ...
Landslide in Southwest Colombia Kills 1 and ... which was suspended in a popular tourist area near La Cocha lagoon.
JAKARTA (AFP): Floods and landslides on Indonesia's main island of Java killed three people and left five more missing after heavy rains inundated two dozen towns, an official said on Friday night.