Muslims do not claim to know the exact day on which Muhammad first began receiving revelations from Allah through the angel Jibrail, but many Sunni Muslims observe Nuzul Al-Quran on the 27th of ...
Islam aims to encourage charity and helping others through kindness. It discourages acting upon motives of selfishness and self-centeredness, which can create social antipathy, distrust ...
Growing numbers of people are breaking fast at the community Iftar, Muslim leaders say. People of all faiths joined an Iftar meal, fostering more community links after the Southport attacks ...
The Holy Quran is a perfect source of guidance as it teaches us to spend our lives as per the instructions of Allah. Muslims are residing in different countries and it is a reason that the Holy Quran ...
Monsieur Ibrahim aber lebt in der Gegenwart, und er kennt das Geheimnis des Glücks. Mit Hilfe seiner Weisheiten, die er dem Leben und dem Koran entnimmt, eröffnet er dem jungen Moses eine neue Welt.
Traditionally, people who practice Islam wait for the sighting of a crescent moon to determine when Eid festivities can kick off. This tends to vary depending on lunar observations in the ...
Nature is full of wonders, and one of its most fascinating mysteries is the existence of hermaphrodite animals. While the Quran states, “And of everything We have created pairs, so that you may ...
In Germany, the party usually described as far-right — Alternative for Germany (AfD) — doubled its share of the vote in the recent elections, from 9% in 2021 to 20.2%. It’s now the nation ...
Die islamische Kalenderrechnung orientiert sich anders als der im Westen gebräuchliche gregorianische Kalender am Mond und nicht an der Sonne. Demnach hat das Jahr nur rund 354 und nicht 365 Tage.
Der Ramadan ist der neunte Monat des islamischen Mondkalenders und widmet sich dem Fasten, einer im Koran verankerten muslimischen Pflicht. Fasten gehört zu den fünf Grundpfeilern des Islam ...
This man was Prophet Muhammad. He was given the Quran during the sacred month known as Ramadan. Islam has many teachings, most of which come from the Quran and Prophet Muhamad. The Quran, which ...
Saladin was, and remains, a hero of Islam, and was praised by his enemies in the West for his military skills, his lack of vanity, and his generous and virtuous nature. Saladin’s full name was Salah ...