THE Khoi and San communities in South Africa are demanding to be part of the meetings between the Solidarity Movement and its affiliate AfriForum when they meet US President Donald Trump and his ...
South African representatives of the San and Khoi indigenous people are seeking an engagement with the United States administration led by President Donald Trump, amid the ongoing debacle around ...
The US government has acknowledged receipt of a memorandum reading: “Countering Claims by Solidarity and AfriForum Regarding Land Expropriation and requesting a meeting with President Donald ...
A Khoisan delegation seeks a meeting with Trump to correct AfriForum’s land expropriation claims and demand recognition of indigenous injustices.
The poor Khoi-San King is the only other one on the two ... Only remember that you are part of a nation, not THE nation. We, the other people, helped you build this country and sustain it.
We had a fruitful conference recently convened by Minister of COGTA, Velenkosini Hlabisa where issues of the Khoi and San leadership ... to the level where you see people who are not qualified ...
and to promote the rights of the Khoi and San people. The NKC structure consists of 25 members representing the five main groupings of the Khoi-San, namely: Griqua, Cape-Khoi, Korana; Nama; and San.