And among all the different temples of Lord Shiva, from the Kashi Vishwanath temple to the small Shivlings you will find just outside homes, there is a hidden temple, only accessible to visit once ...
The discovery of a substantial number of coins in shrines like the Munneswaram temple, Ketheeswaram temple, Mantai, Naguleswaram temple (constructed for people from Jaffna, known as Dambakolapatuna), ...
The first example is the Sangamitta Buddhist Temple built in Madagal at Dambakola Patuna in 2009, right by a Navy camp. Here, new histories are produced to penetrate the North as belonging to ...
We need to perhaps rethink the meaning of ‘sovereignty’ for small states like Sri Lanka in the context of increasing deterioration of the effectiveness of territorial state globally. In Sri Lanka, the ...