, Jakarta Menteri Koordinator Bidang Pangan Zulkifli Hasan (Zulhas) menyangkal isu soal maraknya ayam gelonggongan yang beredar di pasar. Zulhas terkejut saat mendengar adanya isu ayam ...
Learn more. For more information on how we test products, click here. Fast food chain KFC has confirmed a surprising new addition to the menu. For the first time ever, KFC Zinger Nachos will be ..., Jakarta - Ayam masih menjadi menu protein favorit seluruh anggota keluarga. Tekstur ayam dengan serat-seratnya juga mudah diolah menjadi masakan apapun. Termasuk hanya dengan menu ...
A new item has been announced at a popular fast food chain after it was tested at a handful of stores last year. KFC menus will now feature Zinger Nachos across Australia for the first time from ...
Siapa di antara kalian yang tidak tergoda dengan aroma masakan khas Bali? Salah satu hidangan yang paling terkenal dan menggugah selera adalah Ayam Bumbu Bali. Dengan perpaduan bumbu yang kaya dan ...
Jakarta, VIVA – Opor ayam bumbu kuning merupakan salah satu hidangan khas Indonesia yang sangat populer, terutama saat perayaan hari besar seperti Lebaran. 1. Panaskan sedikit minyak di wajan, tumis ...
Zinger lovers, get excited! KFC has cooked up the ultimate finger-lickin’ good treat with the release of the brand-spanking-new Zinger Nachos across Australia for the first time. Aussies are ...
KFC, formerly known as Kentucky Fried Chicken, is officially leaving the state it’s named after. The fast food chain’s parent company, Yum! Brands, announced on Tuesday that KFC will be moving ...
KFC’s fish and chips pop-up is making waves in Mairangi Bay. The Herald‘s Tom Rose headed down to the beach for a sneak peek before it officially drops anchor. There’s nothing more Kiwi than ...
sajian nasi ayam campur dengan tambahan ayam betutu ( IDN Times Community adalah media yang menyediakan platform untuk menulis. Semua ...
Twitter: @JBickertonUK. You can get in touch with James by emailing [email protected] On Wednesday Abbott shared a New York Times story on X about KFC's announcement that it would be ...
Your browser does not support the audio element. Listen here. Listen Kentucky Fried Chicken is relocating its U.S. corporate headquarters from Louisville, Kentucky ...