These collections by Juliana Spahr, Mai Der Vang, Hasib Hourani and Martín Espada invite us to rethink the relentless accumulation of history.
SOCs are seeing false positive rates drop 70%, while shaving 40+ hrs a week of manual triage thanks to the rapid advances in ..., often known as, is one of the best open-source diagramming tools that rivals and often surpasses ...
Learn to pronounce a made-up language and discover "a novella within a dictionary" in this experimental indie game.
We show you how to use Perplexity AI for research and how you can change its settings so that your data is not used for ...
Using zero-suppressed binary decision diagram (ZDD), the proposed method first selects and presents an optimal item from an equivalent item pool, which uniformly divides the whole item pool. The first ...
ABSTRACT: Located in Southeastern Chad. The Iro lake offers a great opportunity for the study of Precambrian formations and their Phanerozoic cover. Pluton is a Cal-alkaline granite. Due to its ...