Residents of Snohomish County are invited to an open house today to discuss the Jordan Creek Bridge 214 Replacement Project.
VENICE, Italy (AP) — The opening weekend of Carnival in Venice culminated with a water procession along the Grand Canal that ...
David Wilson and Jackie Eckholm dreamed of attending Winterlude and skating on the Rideau Canal after their last visit to Ottawa nine years ago. When the Chicago couple saw on the news in January ...
The construction of a four-laned 135-m steel bridge on Sirhind Canal with approaches has finally been completed in Ropar city. Rigorous load testing is going on for the past few days as the bridge ...
DETROIT (WXYZ) — In a new video posted to their YouTube page, the Windsor-Detroit Bridge Authority says the Gordie Howe Bridge is on track to begin operations this ...
The canal skating rink never opened at all in 2023, a historic first, and in 2024 was open for only a handful of days on a very narrow portion, with poor skating conditions. The ice sculptures as ...
In a video at the time of the bridge opening, Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang said the bridge "illustrates friendly relations" between China and Croatia, as well as between China and the EU.