What Butch and Sunni experienced is, in a sense, the distinction between mission and method, Andrew Garnett says.
Religious types insist that contradictions in sacred scriptures are not cardinal flaws. They blame it on artistic ...
Come, Follow Me” for March 17-23 covers Doctrine and Covenants 23-26, which includes revelation given to Emma Smith, the ...
Discover the importance of recharging your batteries in today's Gospel. Learn how to balance activity and rest to maintain spiritual and physical well-being.
Baptism does what nothing else can. As Martin Luther said, by baptism “we are made holy and are saved, which no other kind of ...
CBS's Ghosts have finally revealed Hetty's power, but how does it stack up against her friends' ghostly gifts?
Rabbi Kirt Schneider discussed his own supernatural dream of what the Lord revealed to him about true power and strength.
Fasting Is Not a Tool to Manipulate God Some mistakenly believe that by abstaining from food, they can force God’s hand.
Those of us who have been monitoring current Catholic mystics must surely agree that the dreadful warnings (prophecies) from them are now happening in growing m ...
In Quneitra, Ramadan decorations are nowhere to be seen, with Israeli incursion and arbitrary curfews besieging the region, ...
ASBURY PARK -- Flames ripped through the rectory of the former Holy Spirit Church early Monday, leaving one person injured, officials said. The Asbury Park Fire Department was called to the blaze ...