Remote Area Medical is stepping up to help people who struggle to get access to health care due to economical, geographical, or cultural barriers. They are offering a free, comprehensive health care ...
Another hearing is scheduled for Monday afternoon on efforts to keep Crozer-Chester Medical Center and Taylor Hospital open.
Bankruptcy court judge verbally lashes the foundation after a board member succeeded in getting an injunction stopping money ...
Specialists who have been through a recovery period themselves will be there to guide those going through the overdose regarding recovery and treatment.
Experts at a recent Commercial Observer forum talked about how to solve new challenges in health care design and construction ...
Andrea Evangelina Rodríguez Perozo, the Dominican Republic’s first female doctor, raised the funds to set sail for Paris so ...
The Troy Police Department said that the shooting occurred at Corewell Health Beaumont Troy Hospital and the suspect was not ...
Joey Cortez, who served 24 years in the U.S. Air Force, had been waiting since August to see a mental health specialist from ...
UVMHN’s level of excess revenue and cash growth are unconscionable when the rest of the health care system is starving.
Idaho Governor signs House Bill 345, reforming Medicaid with managed care and work requirements to control costs.
A panel of judges found that fines were justified after California failed to staff its prisons with enough mental health ...
The state's insurance regulator has been seeking such information as patient names, dates of birth and prescription details.