Officials said that a pedestrian was hit by a Metro train on Wednesday afternoon, leading to closures and delays. The Prince George’s County Fire/EMS Department (PGFD) said in a post on X that a train ...
About 100 riders on two other Green Line trains behind the trolleys involved in the incident were escorted about 250 feet to the nearest station, the MBTA said.
In February, the transit agency tested the visual and audible alert system on the Green Line. On the heels of a Green Line crash that sent multiple people to the hospital, the MBTA’s board of ...
At a Metro Board of Directors meeting Thursday morning, general manager Randy Clarke said an area of the Green Line near Petworth and Columbia Heights is actually more crowded now than it was ...
Metro Transit says the driver of the Green Line train "is being treated for unknown injuries," but no one else was hurt. The Metro Transit Police Department is investigating. This is the first ...
The Kolkata Metro Railway has announced a partial traffic block on the East-West Metro Corridor Green Line on March 7 and 10 and a complete block on March 8 and 9. The running of trains will be ...
Commercial services of East-West Metro (Green Line) will be suspended on March 8 and 9 (Saturday and Sunday) to expedite the trial of the signalling system, the carrier said on Tuesday. The services ...