This week, Beyond Pesticides is urging the public to contact their Governor and local officials to respond to a new report on the serious decline of bird populations by eliminating the use of toxic ...
Species of birds are threatened throughout the United States, as documented in the latest edition of the State of the Birds ...
Microplastics can cut a plant’s ability to photosynthesize by up to 12 percent, new research shows microplastics are accumulating in the environment Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA ...
The significance of the GIB in the country’s ecological balance and ecosystem is immense. A thriving GIB population is a strong indicator of healthy grasslands, so this bird is called the ...
“Grassland ecosystems will primarily benefit from this initiative. Research on grassland ecosystems should aid conservation efforts and adhere to the processes outlined in the Project Cheetah ...
But a warming world is throwing plankton into disarray and threatening the entire marine food chain that is built ... Cloud, ocean Ecosystem.” Historically, research from ships has captured ...
School of Water Resources and Hydropower Engineering, North China Electric Power University, Beijing, China Introduction: In recent years, river ecosystem stability has ... in the Han River Basin ...
Now, plants are producers, meaning they form the base of nearly all the food webs on Earth. Take the savanna, for example— a transitional biome between forests and grasslands. Scattered trees ...
Without birds entire ecosystems ... grasslands and even oceans would lose key ecological functions. Scientists believe a birdless Earth would have slower plant regeneration altered food webs ...