Goku Black, the sinister doppelgänger of Goku, brings a mix of elegance and brutality to Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero. Wielding his signature scythe and devastating energy attacks, Goku Black ...
It’s been months since we’ve seen Dragon Ball skins in Fortnite’s Item Shop, but we can’t actually get our hands on them.
This was seen during his battle against Goku Black and Zamasu, where an enraged Trunks unlocked a new form that helped him fight on nearly the same level as two other Saiyans who had unlocked ...
Freiza, Cell, and Goku Black make up the villainous evil side of things as all three characters, their related skins and ...
Xeno Trunks and Xeno Vegeta have paired up, and the same goes for Goku Black and Future Zamasu. Honestly, the list goes on and on when you factor in God Fusions and the like. But when it comes to ...