Cannabis Growth Cannabis has been a booming industry in the USA and many other countries in the past decade. This followed a slow, but steady trend toward full legalization, even if doing so at the US ...
New research out of Arizona State University reveals black-market cannabis products contain potentially dangerous levels of ...
Deforestation, farming and climate-fueled fires are driving increasing threats to fungi, the lifeblood of most plants on ...
The number of fungi species on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Speciesâ„¢ has surpassed 1,000, confirming that deforestation, ...
There are new signs that a dangerous fungus is once again on the move. Candida auris is a type of yeast that can cause ...
An international team including engineers from Princeton has devised a way to watch, in stunning detail, as the hollow ...
A new study reveals plants, fungi, bacteria, protists, and even some viruses deploy venom-like mechanisms, similar to that of ...
With no help from the federal government, states are trying to regulate recreational marijuana. California's Department of ...
Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window) Click to share on X (Opens in new window) Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window) There are over seven hundred marijuana strains in the ...
Sangareddy: A farmer, who cultivated 21 cannabis plants in his field, was convicted and sentenced to undergo a seven-year jail term in addition to Rs 50,000 fine by a district court here on Thursday.
GREEN, Ohio (WJW) – A local city, with likely more roundabouts than any other in northeast Ohio, is receiving national recognition. While roundabouts aren’t typically viewed as the most ...
Government anti-narcotics operatives destroyed on Wednesday, March 12, some P2.3 million worth of fully grown marijuana plants in three plantation sites during the eradication operation in Sugpon, ...