For the longest scientists have been studying about dream, not just its interpretation, but also how it works as a therapy ...
There’s a method in the madness; that’s the only way you can explain dreams. Dreams aren’t merely a collection of random, disconnected events; they’re intricately linked in ways that often defy logic.
Snakes, flying, winning the lottery, our dreams don’t often make sense, but that won't stop the UK Googling their deeper ...
The Frankfurt School’s Theodor Adorno helped pioneer this line of inquiry, relying on Sigmund Freud ... faith and dreams to give them morale”, with the requisite work done by some “great reservoir of ...
For some, Film01 recalled Infinite Jest – not the book itself, but the film within it, that “total entertainment” experience lobotomizing anyone who watched it into eternal bliss. As far as I know, ...
For millennia, people have been fascinated by dreams. “What a weird and wondrous experience it is that we get thrown into ...
Some mornings, waking up might feel like interrupting a vivid alternate universe. You open your eyes to reality, but the ...
A "strong blazing fire" in your dream could mean that your career or finances are about to take off. This could be a ...
Dreams of drowning are notoriously unpleasant. Your impulse might be to forget they ever happened — but these dreams of drowning may have a message for your waking life. As a psychologist, dream ...