In 2013, neuroscientist Davi Bock and his team at the at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute’s Janelia Research ... the first complete connectome of a larval fruit fly, featuring 3,000 neurons.
The first wiring diagram of every neuron in an adult brain and the 50 million connections between them has been produced for a fruit fly ... then at Janelia Research Campus in the US.
This image shows the complete fruit fly connectome: all 139,255 brain cells in the brain of an adult fruit fly. Activity within these neurons drives an entire organism, from sensory perception to ...
This map shows the precise location and arrangement of the 50 largest neurons of the fly brain connectome. These 50, along with another 139,205 brain cells in the brain of an adult fruit fly ...
In the last 18 months, Janelia Farm has recruited two group leaders ... his group used to study the evolution and development of the nervous system in the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster. “The most ...
Rubin as vice president and director of the Janelia Farm Research Campus. Rubin, an internationally recognized geneticist, who led a collaborative effort to sequence the genome of the fruit fly, ...