This video from [Just Think] caught our attention for open-flame testing of 6 different commonly used liquid fuels: Jet-A, diesel, heating oil, kerosene, avgas (100LL), and gasoline (or petrol ...
Colors of emission spectra are due to loosely-bound valence electrons being excited in a flame and dropping back down while emitting light. Warning! Once the flame has started, DO NOT add more ...
The utility company says it is testing the integrity of the gas line. People may see a 70 foot high flare, smell natural gas, and hear a distinctive noise during testing, but they say it's all normal.
The FEAT exam pattern has been made available on FLAME University's official website, The FEAT test pattern 2023 is available to candidates to help with exam preparation. The university ...
dip wire loop in hydrochloric acid to clean check that the wire loop is clean by holding in flame - if no colour is seen, the loop is clean dip a clean wire loop into a solid sample of the ...
Compared to simple laboratory tests, instrumental methods of analysis may give improved: A solution containing sodium ions gives a reading of four units on the flame photometer. Use the ...
Each question in the quantitative ability area of the test is worth 1.5 points. The questions for quantitative ability cover a variety of high school-level mathematical themes. The Reasoning section's ...